Hi eveyone!

Spotify recently deleted 750 thousand songs. This event has a direct relationship with the concept of 'metadata', which has been on the agenda in recent days, which you are familiar with from whatsapp.


As you know, getting into the playlists on Spotify is now unfortunately almost perceived as a musical achievement. But actually it's not! This phenomenon, which used to be interested in how many millions of physical copies were sold, has now been replaced by this thing. In fact, it is an indication of how ridiculous the world music industry has evolved in general. First, record labels who understood this situation created their own playlists on Spotify and boosted their playlists with thousands of purchased followers, mostly consisting of their own artists. As with all social media channels, there are some services on Spotify where you can buy your own followers and listens. But does an artist have purchased listens or not? Can we understand this?

For details, you can watch the video on the Beatcord YouTube channel.